Important New Features Coming to SolveXia

February 4, 2021
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The upcoming March 2021 release of SolveXia is packed with exciting new features and enhancements to improve your automation experience. In this post, we wanted to share some of the key changes to our user interface that you can expect as the new version roles out later this month, including:

  • The new “Connector” step allowing you to integrate SolveXia with your systems and apps.
  • Enhancements to how you add and name new steps to your process.
  • Changes to the View/Edit toggle for data steps.
  • A series of look-and-feel improvements to the Subscriber View.
  • A new feature to preview Excel, Text/CSV and PDF files within SolveXia.

New Connector Step:

The upcoming release of SolveXia will introduce our Native Connector, allowing you to easily integrate with data from your favourite apps and systems. We will be sharing more about the connectors in due course, but for now, the thing to note will be a new option called “Add connector step” in the process designer:

Selecting this option will open the following window where you can then select the application that you would like to integrate with:

Naming Steps On Creation:

You will now be asked to provide a name for a new step immediately upon creation:

This feature has been introduced to encourage better process design by ensuring steps always have meaningful names.

View/Edit Toggle for Data Step

We have changed how you toggle between edit and view mode in a data step:

New Subscriber View Interface:

Subscriber view has had a face lift, with a cleaner and more modern look and feel:

Past runs of the process are now easily accessible via a dedicated “Runs” tab:

Process steps (when running a process) have been enhanced to also show the group headings, giving you more information about your process:

Results (outputs) from the process run now appear at the top of the page, ensuring you can find and access the critical files:

Previewing Excel, Text/CSV and PDF files within SolveXia [Beta]

You can now preview data in Excel, Text/CSV and PDF files directly within SolveXia (before downloading them):

The feature allows you to navigate through any worksheets in the Excel file and preview tabular data:

The Excel and PDF previewer will make it faster and easier to build processes by removing the need to repeatedly download files to view the impact of your action steps (as you configure them). This feature is being released as a beta with the aim of collecting feedback and improving the previewer over the coming months.

We hope you love these new changes as much as we do. If you have any concerns, questions or feedback, we’d love to hear from you:


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